Your Challenges
With the increasing ecological demands on textiles, leathers, and chemicals in international markets comes a variety of different legislations on the restriction of harmful substances. How to ensure products manufactured and/or sold fulfill these ecological requirements is one of the biggest challenges you face today. Furthermore, individual regions often have very different environmental production standards and priorities for the evaluation of harmful substances in consumer goods. So how do you master complying with each country’s legislation you market to successfully throughout the supply chain?
Our Solutions
Intertek Eco-Certification satisfies the need of retailers and manufacturers selling products in today’s global marketplace, while simultaneously demonstrating both concern and diligence for the safety of consumer and environment. This certification scheme applies to textiles, leather products and garments as well as products at all levels of production, including textile and non-textile accessories. The essential consumer goods laws of developed countries, current industrial standards, as well as chemical guidelines of major buyers, form the basis of the chemical requirements and technical criteria for Intertek Eco-Certification. Any products which pass this particular evaluation successfully shall fulfill most of the ecological requirements in the international market.
Traditional end of piping tests are susceptible to risk along the supply chain once the harmful substances are detected in the final products. Suppliers and retailers are faced with huge losses due to product recall. Intertek Eco-Certification advocates risk control and management throughout the supply chain to replace end of piping tests. For every step in the supply chain, an assurance system in safeguarding the contamination of harmful substances is evaluated.
Intertek Eco-Certification emphasizes that manufacturers shall maintain a reliable quality assurance system of ecological products. The quality system implements strict quality assurance on incoming materials and chemical application related processes to remove all the restricted harmful substances from the very beginning without deviating from the original design - avoiding any contamination during the manufacturing process.
By implementing verification testing in the early stages of production, manufacturers can save both time and money. Retailers can now demonstrate due-diligence to the authorities within the target market through the certification of suppliers and successfully obtain both the market confidence and competitive edge they desire.
The application for Intertek Eco-Certification consists of four standard procedures:
application, factory evaluation & sampling, testing, and certification. A pre-evaluation service is introduced to all the potential factories before submitting the application. Through a questionnaire review it can be determined whether or not their process could fulfill the requirements of Intertek Eco-Certification.
If all the conditions of the Intertek Eco-Certification Scheme are satisfied, the on-site evaluation reveals there are no deficiencies that will preclude a certification, the test results are within the acceptable range of the given limit values, a certificate will be issued upon the completion of approval by the Certification Committee. A certificate will entitle the factory to label their certified products, during the period of validity, with the Intertek Eco-Certification Mark.
Certification Process
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