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CSR Gazette, China - March 2024
  • In order to further regulate the behavior of labor dispatch, promote the coordinated, orderly and healthy development of the labor dispatch market in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei region, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of dispatched workers, the Human Resources and Social Security Departments in Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei region jointly issued the Employment Guidelines for Labor Dispatch Compliance in Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei Region.
  • The Ministry of Emergency Management has revised the Regulations on Fines and Penalties for Production Safety Accidents and this revision mainly aimed at adapting to the current and future needs of fine penalties for production safety accidents.
  • The General Office of the State Council has gazetted the Opinions on Accelerating the Establishment of a Waste Recycling System, which is of great significance in enhancing the ability to ensure resources and energy security, helping to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and comprehensively promote the construction of a beautiful China.
  • Updated Minimum Wage Standard of Hubei Province, Ningxia Autonomous Region, and Jiangxi Province.


< Employment Guidelines for Labor Dispatch Compliance in Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei Region >

Health and Safety

< Regulations on Fines and Penalties for Production Safety Accidents >


< Opinions on Accelerating the Establishment of a Waste Recycling System >

Minimum Wage Standard Update

Hubei Province, Ningxia Autonomous Region, and Jiangxi Province

Summary of Law Updates:


1. < Employment Guidelines for Labor Dispatch Compliance in Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei Region > (2024-02-03)

The Employment Guidelines for Labor Dispatch Compliance in Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei Region (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines) was jointly issued by the Human Resources and Social Security Department of Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei Province on 3rd February 2024, to promote the coordinated, orderly, and healthy development of the labor dispatch market in the Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei region, standardize labor dispatch employment behavior, and provide reference for labor dispatch entities and employers.

The Guidelines cover four aspects: labor dispatch entities, employing entities, labor dispute resolution, and handling of violations of labor security laws and regulations. The focus is on guiding the qualification behavior of labor dispatch entities and employing entities, clarifying the key content of the labor dispatch process through "Key Reminders", in order to guide employing entities to use dispatched workers in accordance with laws and regulations, and labor dispatch entities to carry out labor dispatch business activities in accordance with laws and regulations.

Meanwhile, the Guidelines also specify that whether the employing entity or the labor dispatch entity has a significant violation of labor security laws, regulations or rules, the human resources and social security department will handle it according to law and make it public in accordance with the provisions and include it in the labor security compliance and integrity file or give joint punishment.

Health and Safety

1. < Regulations on Fines and Penalties for Production Safety Accidents > (2024-03-01)

The Regulations on Fines and Penalties for Production Safety Accidents (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) were reviewed and approved by the 32nd ministerial meeting of the Ministry of Emergency Management on December 25, 2023, and had been come into force on March 1, 2024; The original Regulations on Penalties for Production Safety Accidents (Trial) shall be abolished simultaneously. The relevant revisions to the Regulations are as follows:

1.The Regulations further standardize the benchmarks for discretionary accident fine penalties by reasonably dividing the amount of fines for general accidents, major accidents, major accidents and particularly major accidents into different orders.

2.The Regulations combinate with practice and in accordance with the law to define the serious illegal situations, and clarify that the closure and destruction of monitoring, alarm, protection, and life-saving equipment that directly affect production safety are particularly serious and have a particularly adverse impact.

3.The Regulations have adjusted and clarified the amount of fines in accordance with legal provisions, then add provisions to impose fines on other responsible persons and safety production management personnel of accident facilities who fail to fulfill their safety production management responsibilities and resulting in production safety accidents.


1. < Opinions on Accelerating the Establishment of a Waste Recycling System > (2024-02-06)

The Opinions on Accelerating the Establishment of a Waste Recycling System has been gazetted by the General Office of the State Council on 6th February 2024, the main contents are as follows:

1.Promote waste management and effective recycling

  • Strengthen the fine management of industrial waste
  • Improve the agricultural waste collection system
  • Promote the classification and recycling of social source waste

2.Improve the level of recycling and reuse of waste

  • Strengthen the comprehensive utilization of bulk solid waste
  • Strengthen the efficient use of renewable resources
  • Guide the facilitation and standardization of second-hand commodity trading
  • Promote the remanufacturing of used equipment
  • Promote the energy recovery of waste
  • Promote the resource-recycling production model

3.Strengthen the recycling of key waste

  • Strengthen the recycling of waste power batteries
  • Strengthen the recycling of low-value recyclables
  • Explore new waste recycling paths

4.Foster and scale the resource recycling industry

  • Promote the development of industrial agglomeration
  • Cultivate industry backbone enterprises
  • Guide the standardized development of the industry

5.Improve policy mechanisms

  • Improve supporting policies
  • Improve the land use guarantee mechanism
  • Improve the mechanism for scientific and technological innovation
  • Improve the promotion and application mechanism of recycled materials

6.Strengthen organization and implementation

  • Strengthen organizational leadership
  • Strengthening publicity and guidance
  • Strengthen international cooperation

China Minimum Wage Standard Update- March 2024

Area Minimum Wage
Hubei Province: Effective from 1 February 2024
Wuhan City: Urban District; Xiangyang City: Xiangcheng District, Fancheng District; Yichang City: Xiling District, Wujiagang District 2210
Huangshi City: Huangshigang District, Xisaishan District, Xialu District, Tieshan District, Daye City; Shiyan City: Maojian District, Zhangwan District; Xiangyang City: Xiangzhou District, Zaoyang City, Laohekou City; Yichang City: Yidu City, Zhijiang City; Yichang City: Yiling District, Dianjun District, Xiaoting District; Jingzhou City: Jingzhou District, Shashi District; Jingmen City: Dongbao District, Duodao District; Xiaogan City: Hanchuan City, Yingcheng City 1950
Huangshi City: Yangxin County; Shiyan City: Yunyang District, Danjiangkou City, Yunxi County, Fang County, Zhushan County, Zhuxi County; Xiangyang City: Yicheng City, Nanzhang County, Baokang County, Gucheng County; Yichang City: Dangyang City, Yuan'an County, Xingshan County, Zigui County, Changyang County, and Wufeng County; Jingzhou City: Jiangling County, Songzi City, Gong'an County, Shishou City, Jianli City, Honghu City; Jingmen City: Shayang County, Qujialing Management Area, Jingshan City, Zhongxiang City; Ezhou City: Echeng District, Huarong District, Liangzihu District; Xiaogan City: Xiaonan District, Yunmeng County, Anlu City, Dawu County, Xiaochang County; Huanggang City: Huangzhou District, Tuanfeng County, Hong'an County, Macheng City, Luotian County, Yingshan County, Xishui County, Qichun County, Wuxue City, Huangmei County; Xianning City: Xian'an District, Jiayu County, Chibi City, Tongcheng County, Chongyang County, Tongshan County; Suizhou City: Zengdu District, Suixian County, Guangshui City; Enshi Prefecture: Enshi City, Lichuan City, Jianshi County, Badong County, Xuan'en County, Xianfeng County, Laifeng County, Hefeng County; Xiantao City; Tianmen City; Qianjiang City; Shennongjia Forestry District 1800
Ningxia Autonomous Region: Effective from 1 March 2024
Yinchuan City: Xingqing District, Jinfeng District, Xixia District, Yongning County, Helan County, Lingwu City; Shizuishan City: Dawukou District, Huinong District, Pingluo County; Wuzhong City: Litong District, Qingtongxia City; Zhongwei City: Shapotou District, Zhongning County 2050
Wuzhong City: Hongsibao District, Tongxin County, Yanchi County; Guyuan City: Yuanzhou District, Xiji County, Longde County, Jingyuan County, Pengyang County; Zhongwei City: Haiyuan County 1900

Area Minimum Wage
Jiangxi Province: Effective from 1 April 2024
Nanchang City: Donghu District, Xihu District, Qingyunpu District, Qingshanhu District, Honggutan District, Nanchang Economic and Technological Development Zone, Nanchang High tech Industrial Development Zone 2000
Nanchang City: Xinjian District, Nanchang County; Jiujiang City: Xunyang District, Lianxi District, Lushan Management Bureau, Jiujiang Economic and Technological Development Zone; Jingdezhen City: Zhushan District; Pingxiang City: Anyuan District, Xiangdong District, Pingxiang Economic and Technological Development Zone; Xinyu City: Yushui District; Yingtan City: Yuehu District, Guixi City; Ganzhou City: Zhanggong District, Nankang District, Ganzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone; Yichun City: Yuanzhou District, Yiyang New District, Mingyue Mountain Hot Spring Scenic Area, Yichun Economic and Technological Development Zone; Shangrao City: Xinzhou District; Ji'an City: Jizhou District; Fuzhou City: Linchuan District, Fuzhou High tech Industrial Development Zone, Donglin New District 1870
Nanchang City: Jinxian County and Anyi County; Jiujiang City: Chaisang District, Xiushui County, Wuning County, Ruichang City, Duchang County, Hukou County, Pengze County, Yongxiu County, De'an County, Gongqingcheng City, Lushan City, Lushan West Sea Scenic Area; Jingdezhen City: Changjiang District, Leping City, Fuliang County; Pingxiang City: Luxi County, Shangli County, Lianhua County; Xinyu City: Fenyi County; Yingtan City: Yujiang District, Longhu Mountain Scenic Area, Yingtan High tech Industrial Development Zone; Ganzhou City: Ganxian District, Xinfeng County, Dayu County, Shangyou County, Chongyi County, Anyuan County, Longnan City, Quannan County, Dingnan County, Xingguo County, Ningdu County, Yudu County, Ruijin City, Huichang County, Xunwu County, Shicheng County; Yichun City: Zhangshu City, Fengcheng City, Jing'an County, Fengxin County, Gao'an City, Shanggao County, Yifeng County, Tonggu County, and Wanzai County; Shangrao City: Guangfeng District, Guangxin District, Yushan County, Qianshan County, Hengfeng County, Yiyang County, Yugan County, Poyang County, Wannian County, Wuyuan County, Dexing City, Mount Sanqing Scenic Spot, Shangrao Economic and Technological Development Zone, Shangrao High speed Railway Economic Pilot Zone; Ji'an City: Qingyuan District, Jinggangshan City, Ji'an County, Xingan County, Yongfeng County, Xiajiang County, Jishui County, Taihe County, Wan'an County, Suichuan County, Anfu County, Yongxin County, Jinggangshan Economic and Technological Development Zone; Fuzhou City: Dongxiang District, Nancheng County, Lichuan County, Nanfeng County, Chongren County, Le'an County, Yihuang County, Jinxi County, Zixi County, Guangchang County 1740

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